The Livestock Breeders Association (LBA) wishes to encourage students who want to pursue a career in AGRICULTURE. All students pursuing their studies in agriculture are invited to apply for this scholarship.
Applicants must include the following in their application package:
- Provide a letter of intent with the scholarship application detailing their agricultural career goals and intentions;
- The student must show proof of agricultural involvement in the community;
- Provide one (1) character reference from a teacher or an employer;
- The student must be enrolled in a full time agricultural focused educational program.
**Applicants must provide a copy of their acceptance letter in their chosen program.
Other criteria for this scholarship:
- The student will automatically become a first-year member of the LBA and will be responsible for continuing his/her membership with the LBA;
- The student must attend one (1) LBA Board of Directors meeting;
- The student must volunteer on an existing committee of the LBA organization;
- The winner must agree to be photographed knowing the photo will be used by the LBA for promotional purposes;
- Upon being chosen, the candidate must agree to be present at the official opening on the Friday evening of the LBA Fall Festival on September 30, 2022.
The coordinator of the CVR Educational Foundation shall review all applications, remove all identifying marks and submit the applications to the LBA for consideration. The applications will be reviewed by 3 evaluators, the Board of Directors of the LBA being one of them.
Each year, a scholarship of $500 will be awarded to the selected recipient during the graduation ceremony at the end of the school year.
The recipient will receive 2 equal instalments (January & June) provided she/he confirms completion of the semesters (Fall & Winter) of their first year of college. See your Guidance Counselor or go to for more information on this scholarship and the application deadline (2nd Round).
Dear applicant,
Bear in mind that the following criteria are used by the LBA Board of Directors who will review your submission. Please feel free to show this document to the person who will be writing your character reference.
1. Letter of intent (20 pts)
a. Above-average commitment to the task or skill with a desire to improve or learn more (10 pts)
- Is their career path clearly described?
- Does the student explain why he/she is pursuing this career path?
- What experiences influenced their choice?
- Does the student describe their agricultural involvement in the community?
b. Originality and sincerity from the student. At the discretion of the selection committee (10 pts)
2. One character reference letter from a CVR teacher or an employer (20 pts)
- Outlining the applicant’s overall attitude, work habits, personality, and desire to succeed.
- The CVR Educational Foundation will call for applications;
- The application procedures should clearly state that the bursary is open to all CVR students in Secondary 5 who are pursuing their studies in an agricultural related program;
- The application deadline is announced by CVR’s Guidance Counselor and on Should there be an insufficient number (none or one) of applications; the deadline for applications will be extended to provide an opportunity to encourage participation;
- CVR’s Guidance Counselor is available to play a role in assisting students in the application process, and in forwarding these applications to the CVR Educational Foundation;
- The applicant is responsible for completing and submitting all the documents (unfolded and no staples) listed in the criteria, in a large sealed envelope addressed to: CVR Educational Foundation / The LBA Scholarship. The envelop can be given to the Guidance Counselor or brought to the CVRHS reception desk. In addition to the documents listed in the criteria, the applicant is asked to include a copy of his/her letter of acceptance in the chosen program. If the applicant has not yet received an answer at the time of submission, he/she must send it by e-mail to the CVR Education Foundation (go to to upload and send your document) when received. This scholarship will not be awarded without an acceptance in the required program;
- The CVR Educational Foundation Coordinator reviews all applications, removes all identifying marks, prepares and submits the applications to the LBA Scholarship committee for consideration;
- Each application is reviewed and scored by 3 evaluators. One of them being the LBA Scholarship committee*. Results of the evaluations are then compiled and a recipient is selected; *It is expected that members excuse themselves in the case of a conflict of interest.
- The recipients are announced during the graduation ceremony at the end of the school year;
- The CVR Educational Foundation will disburse 2 equal instalments, as per LBA requirements, to the recipients: 1st instalment to be disbursed in January, upon completion of the Fall semester and 2nd instalment to be disbursed in June, upon completion of Winter semester. The recipient must send a copy of their transcript to The CVR Educational Foundation by email: at their earliest convenience.